All readers should be members of one or both google groups: or
johnmageeta group is exclusively for trading. No chatting, no theory. A trade suggested or commented on.
edwards-magee allows educational discussion.
From time to time we see a chart that we don’t consider particularly worth posting a letter here, but worth a comment, so we send it to one or both of these groups.
The 2 1/2 day seminar will be given March 12-14 in San Francisco. For info:
and email to They come from Geneva, Seattle, New York and you can see their reactions at the seminar link.
The 16 week graduate seminar (open to the public or for credit) at GGU begins May 11. One of the highest ranked courses at GGU and, as one student said, “a joy to attend.” Students have moved to San Francisco for the duration to attend this seminar.
If you attended the MTA webcast Wednesday drop us an email with your evaluation.
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