Cross winds and clear air turbulence continue —
We got tired of writing dump-bump-dump... and so we have renamed our little pattern the alpha-beta-gamma--zeta pattern, or abg-z. It has particular resonance right now because it applies to two…
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
We got tired of writing dump-bump-dump... and so we have renamed our little pattern the alpha-beta-gamma--zeta pattern, or abg-z. It has particular resonance right now because it applies to two…$INDU&p=D&yr=0&mn=5&dy=0&id=p06327879895&a=223624367 If you live for excitement last week got your blood pumping. If you are amused by lying and cheating you have to be in hysterics at the CME's bald…
The jury is in. It was a top in Silver. In addition to all the other stop methods we discussed lately if you were trading with a ruler and trendlines…
We are not jealous of our readers. And thus, when we see comment that we think might be of value we call attention to it. So a short time ago…
Here is a good picture of where things are really at. Pundits, talking heads and shorts rejoice each time we get a downwave thinking that THIS IS IT, THE BEGINNING…