Fool’s gold, fool’s silver…. We traded the flag here in silver in August and made a little profit. We remarked on it at the time. The power bar at the end of the…
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends We traded the flag here in silver in August and made a little profit. We remarked on it at the time. The power bar at the end of the…$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=0&id=p97142210271&a=214966864 300 point days in the Dow are no fun (unless you're short) and it helps (somewhat) to have some idea of what the damage can be. Naturally as we…$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=0&id=p97142210271&a=214966864 October 19, 1987 we were driving in late to San Francisco when we heard the market collapsing. We had been expecting a major collapse but the next year. Nonetheless,…
Friday the PnF charts displayed new (bearish) patterns. We don't make our decisions based on PnF charts but we watch them out of the corner of our eye. The method…$SPX&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p20970412253&a=266691158 It is impossible to look at this chart and see anything but bull market going to new highs. At the same time the breakout above the April highs waits…