FXE. GLD. Broken rules, broken trades
We are hedging our silver and gold trades with 2x ETFs, GLL (gold) and ZSL (silver) and taking handsome profits in PGM, platinum. Yesterday we broke a rule to exit…
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
We are hedging our silver and gold trades with 2x ETFs, GLL (gold) and ZSL (silver) and taking handsome profits in PGM, platinum. Yesterday we broke a rule to exit…
Well, sports fans, like it or not, it's another buy signal for the aggressive trader in the metals. As we were saying yesterday....
Tis the season to begin thinking about wearing this stuff instead of trading it. But first we have to manage our trades before we hop off to breakfast at Tiffany's.…
Stock investors are now looking at something in GLD that futures traders are long familiar with -- repeated gaps. These rarely occur in stocks, but are common in commodity blow-off…
This is a time to be especially alert. The precious metals charts have gone parabolic and the angle of ascent is extreme. We opine (opine is a little different from…