Nothing much…$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p88150915824&a=214966864 It might seem strange to regard the week as not much -- especially when the SPX transversed 38 points on Wednesday and the Nikkei took a 6% dive.  How…

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Welcome to the roller coaster.$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p88150915824&a=214966864 Think the market is sure of itself?  Think again.  Today in conversation with Congress Bernanke hemmed and hawed when asked if he would tighten policy by Labor Day.  The…

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This picture was published in the WSJ noting the sale of this immortal piece of art (Barret Newman) for $42M.  In the Journal, in black and white it was just…

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